Announcements | Shabbat Noach

Announcements | Shabbat Noach

Announcements | Noach

The Executive and Committee wish you a Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov

Rabbi Sam Thurgood will officiate Shabbat day.

Rabbi Gavriel Ziegler will deliver the Drosha on Friday night.

Wishing Jonathan and Farryn Zuckerman, Gabriel and Rebecca a hearty Mazal Tov on their son and brother, Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat. Mazal Tov to grandparents Shirley Pein and Marcelle and Paul Zuckerman. Much nachat to all of you. Enjoy your simcha!


Mazal Tov to Jeff and Rene Borstrock on the birth of another grandson born to Brent and Nicole, brother to Caleb and Liat. Also, Mazel Tov to Uncle Shaun Borstrock.


Junie Punie” children’s service (ages 1-6) takes place at 10.15.

Dream Team” takes place every Shabbat at 10:15. The service runs for about 45 mins.

Toddler Time” takes place on Shabbat at 16:20pm. Please bring your kids and have some fun!!


Shul Wi-Fi

The Morasha Wi-Fi code is “Morasha Guest”, and the password is We@rehome31



Kindly observe the rule of the library – borrowed books are to be returned within a month of borrowing. When removing books from the shelves, please return books to their same spot on the shelves.


Meal Hosting

The Morasha community has become synonymous with warmth, friendship and chavershaft. We receive many hospitality requests and ask community members to perpetuate this important act of chessed.



Note: Please do not share our communication/s. The content is for members only.